National Salesmen's Training Association

Art and Science of Selling, Part 1

1922. Other volumes in this set include ISBN number(s): 0766160696. Volume 1 of 2. This volume contains Volumes I through IV of the original works. The purpose of this course on salesmanship and personal efficiency is to give ambitious men and women ...

Jay Conrad Levinson

Guerrilla Selling: Unconventional Weapons and Tactics for Increasing Your Sales (Guerrilla Marketing)

Today's increasingly competitive business environment requires new skills and commitment from salespeople. Like the successful Guerrilla Marketing and Guerrilla Marketing Attack, this book presents unconventional ideas that are easy, and exciting ...

Sheryl Garrett, Marie Swift, The Garrett Planning Network

Just Give Me the Answer$ : Expert Advisors Address Your Most Pressing Financial Questions

An invaluable financial resource for individuals of all ages and all life stages. If you want to take a more active role in managing your personal financial affairs, you're not alone. Millions of people are seeking ways to gain ...

Charles R. Schwab

Charles Schwab's New Guide to Financial Independence: Practical Solutions for Busy People

The biggest risk in investing is doing nothing. In the updated edition of this New York Times bestseller, Charles Schwab presents clear and simple lessons that will give readers the confidence they need to start down the road to financial ...

<<<  Christian Gronroos. Service Management and Marketing: ...             Bernardo Kliksberg, Luciano Tomassini. Capital social y cultura: ... >>>

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