Christian Gronroos

Service Management and Marketing: A Customer Relationship Management Approach

Gronroos presents the most scholarly and provocative examination of services marketing that I have seen in our literature. This book is guaranteed to challenge company ideas on how services should be managed and the role they play in defining a ...

Tom Hopkins, Laura Laaman

The Certifiable Salesperson : The Ultimate Guide to Help Any Salesperson Go Crazy with Unprecedented Sales!

"If you are a salesperson, you will find yourself in this book. Treat it like your road map to success and you will be a professional salesperson." ? Willis Turner, CSE President, Sales and Marketing Executives International, Inc. ...

Chandler H. Everett

The Pocket Consultant for Small Business (Living Wisdom Series)

Today the business environment is changing back to one where small business will be the place where one will be able to achieve the best opportunities for work satisfaction and financial gain... Many of the basic truths and concepts that are ...

Paul Wesley Ivey

Elements of Retail Salesmanship

1928. In this treatise, an attempt is made to present the elements of salesmanship and show how they may be profitably applied to retail selling. The chief reason for the presentation of this book before the public was the many requests that came ...

<<<  Allan Afuah, Christopher L. Tucci, Allan Afuah, Christopher ...             Bernardo Kliksberg, Luciano Tomassini. Capital social y cultura: ... >>>

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