Practice of Advertising, The (Marketing Series : Professional Development)

The fourth edition of The Practice of Advertising is fully updated and revised including chapters by twelve new authors who are all top professionals in their own fields. The Practice of Advertising starts by answering the question `how' rather ...

Sergio Zyman

El final del marketing que conocemos

Medidas 15.3x22x1.5cm; Ttulo original The end of marketing as we know it Traduccin:Isabel Ferrer ...

Roger M. Griffith

What a Way to Live and Make a Living: The Lyman P. Wood Story

Starting a business? Looking for more satisfaction in life? This biography of mail order genius and visionary Lyman Wood is full of ideas, tips, anecdotes and good advice. Founder of Garden Way, pioneer of socially responsible business practices, ...

Sak Onkvisit, John J. Shaw

International Marketing: Analysis and Strategy, Third Edition

This excellent book offers a good balance between theory and practice while providing solid theoretical and conceptual foundations to the discipline of international marketing. The approach is analytical rather than merely descriptive, with an ...

<<<  Michael Reisig. The Fledgling Author's Handbook             Bernardo Kliksberg, Luciano Tomassini. Capital social y cultura: ... >>>

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