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Michael Reisig The Fledgling Author's Handbook
An enlightening journey for the new author through the world of writing, publishing, and marketing. From the lecture series,"The Myths, the Truths, and the Lies about Marketing and Publishing Books" by award-winning columnist and author Michael
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Michael H. Hyman, Michael E. Hyman The Power of Global Capital: New International Rules-New Global Risks
No investor or business person can do without a clear understanding of what is going on "out there" in the now global business world. This innovative book provides a way to stay informed and learn the economic indicators that affect global capital
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Elise K. Parsigian Proposal Savvy: Creating Successful Proposals for Media Projects
Media professionals and novices in every division of mass communication are expected to produce effectively researched, written and presented proposals for enterprise projects. Drawing on the experience of over 90 media professionals, this
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Patrick Forsyth Marketing Stripped Bare: An Insider's Guide to the Secret Rules
Marketing is a big subject. It's complex and often misunderstood. If we accept that every organization has customers or clients -- a public to serve -- then there has to be marketing. Without marketing your public won't be aware of your service
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