C. Britt Beemer, Robert L. Shook

Predatory Marketing: What Everyone in Business Needs to Know to Win Today's Consumer

What do shoppers dislike most about shopping? What's the most common reason customers are turned off by ads? Which recent technology ranks highest as a consumer pet peeve? As founder and chairman of America's Research Group, Britt Beemer has spent ...

Russell R. Miller

Selling to Newly Emerging Markets

Significant sales opportunities exist in newly emerging markets around the globe--and many of them are missed. Because sales and marketing executives lack familiarity with the structure of the markets and the risks of working in them, Miller says, ...

Paul Millier

Marketing the Unknown: Developing Market Strategies for Technical Innovations

" the most detailed, accurate and pragmatic approach to emergent markets that I know. It should be of interest to anyone who is in charge of transforming research investments into products with a secured market. To me, it is not just a book: ...

Sidney J. Levy, Dennis W. Rook

Brands Consumers, Symbols, & Research: Sidney J. Levy on Marketing (1-Off Series)

Sidney J Levy is an internationally recognized writer whose ideas began to influence marketing executives in the late 1940s. They continue to impact today on: how we think about marketing's role in management; how managers develop product and ...

<<<  Helen Vaid. Branding: Brand Strategy, Design, and Implementation ...             Bernardo Kliksberg, Luciano Tomassini. Capital social y cultura: ... >>>

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