Benjamin J. Cohen

The Future of Money

Is globalization leading us toward a world of fewer and fewer currencies and, consequently, simplified monetary management? Many specialists believe this is the case, as the territorial monopolies national governments have long claimed over money ...

Ioannis Karatzas

Lectures on the Mathematics of Finance

In this text, the author discusses the main aspects of mathematical finance. These include arbitrage, hedging and pricing of contingent claims, portfolio optimization, incomplete and/or constrained markets, equilibrium, and transaction costs. The ...

James M. Poterba

Tax Policy and the Economy, Vol. 9

The Tax Policy and the Economy series presents new research bearing on the economic effects of taxation on economic performance and analyzing the effects of potential tax reforms. Research results are presented in a timely and accessible fashion and ...

Ellen Hertz

The Trading Crowd: An Ethnography of the Shanghai Stock Market (Cambridge Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology, 108)

In 1992, an explosion of "stock fever" hit Shanghai. Ellen Hertz's anthropological study sets the stock market and its players in the context of Shanghai society, and probes the dominant role played by the state, which has yielded a stock market ...

<<<  Peter Temple. Magic Numbers for Stock Investors : How ...             Bernardo Kliksberg, Luciano Tomassini. Capital social y cultura: ... >>>

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