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Peter Temple Magic Numbers for Stock Investors : How to Calculate the 25 Key Ratios For Investing Success
Building on the success of the original ?Magic Numbers and using wholly new and up to date examples, ?Magic Numbers for Stock Investors looks at key ratios that all investors can use easily to look at the financial health and growth
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Tab Bowers, Greg Gibb, Jeffrey Wong Banking in Asia: Acquiring a Profit Mindset, Revised Edition
The banking markets of Asia contain some of the largest opportunities in the world. These riches, however, come with risks and volatility. As the Asian banking markets try to leapfrog their way into the 21st century, boom-bust cycles will reoccur.
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Kevin McKinley Make Your Kid a Millionaire: 11 Easy Ways Anyone Can Secure a Childs Financial Future
A STEP-BY-STEP PROGRAM THAT SHOWS PARENTS WHAT TO DO AT EACH STAGE OF A CHILD'S LIFE TO PROVIDE WEALTH FOR THE NEXT GENERATION. If you're like most parents, you know that you should start saving for your children's future but you're just not
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Richard D. Wyckoff Stock Market Technique, No 1
First published in 1933, this book contains principal articles, editorials and correspondence originally published in the magazine Stock Market Technique from March 1932 to July 1933, inclusive.
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