John E. Mueller

Peace, Prosperity, and Politics

A group of political scientists, economists, and historians assess the recent transformation of world affairs, arguing that although the prospects for prosperity and peace are high, politics remains important to deal with potentially disruptive and ...

E. Patricia Tsurumi

Factory Girls

Investigating the enormous contribution made by female textile workers to early industrialization in Meiji Japan, Patricia Tsurumi vividly documents not only their hardships but also their triumphs. While their skills and long hours created profits ...

Bruce Tulgan

The Manager's Pocket Guide to Generation X

How do we recruit and train the best and the brightest X'ers? How do we keep them challenged and productive? And how do we keep the best ones from moving on? If you find yourself asking questions like these, you can't afford not to have The ...

Lois S. Gray, Ronald L. Seeber

Under the Stars: Essays on Labor Relations in Arts and Entertainment

Technological change has created a dazzling array of new products and media for the enjoyment of entertainment and transformed the economic structure of production and distribution. Simultaneously, it has produced difficult new challenges for ...

<<<  Steven?B.??? Fink. Sticky Fingers: Managing ...             Bernardo Kliksberg, Luciano Tomassini. Capital social y cultura: ... >>>

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