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Steven?B.??? Fink Sticky Fingers: Managing the Global Risk of Economic Espionage
"Steven Fink has done us all an invaluable service by examining in depth an important type of crisis, namely, economic espionage. Ideally, all top corporate executives would do well to read his book to be prepared to combat one of the most
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Enrique Bour, Daniel Heymannm, Fernando Navajas Latin American Economic Crises: Trade and Labour (International Economic Association Publications)
This volume examines issues of economic interest faced by Latin America economies in the late 20th Century. The fifteen chapters deal with macroeconomic problems, financial crises, the development of trade and trade agreements and labor issues. Of
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Emmanuel Pikoulakis, Frederick Van Der Ploeg, Ronald MacDonald International Macroeconomics
This new text provides a systematic and comprehensive international treatment of the asset approach to the exchange rate and the current account of the balance of payments. It includes an analysis of macroeconomic adjustments under fixed,
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Anthony Venables, Richard E. Baldwin, Daniel Cohen, Andre Sapir, Centre for Economic Policy Research Market Integration, Regionalism and the Global Economy
This is a study of the nature and the policy implications of changes in the global economy in relationship to the process of regional integration, using the newest techniques of economic analysis. The principal message drawn from these analytical
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