Elizabeth Economy, Michel Oksenberg, Michel Oksenberg

China Joins the World : Progress and Prospects

Since the 1970s, the United States has facilitated China's entry into world affairs. What are the results of the effort to integrate China into the international community at an early stage in its rise? How has the international system affected ...

Stephen Clarkson, Marjorie Griffin Cohen

Governing Under Stress: Middle Powers and the Challenge of Globalization (Globalization and the Periphery)

This volume is the first work to emerge from a major international comparative research project to explore the political economy of governance under conditions of globalization in Canada, Mexico, Norway and Australia. The essays throw a new ...

Asian Development Bank

Asian Development Outlook 1999 (Asian Development Bank Books)

This is the 2002 edition of Asian Development Outlook, the Asian Development Bank's annual survey of economic progress in its developing member countries in Asia and the Pacific. First published in 1989, the ADO provides a comprehensive yet ...

Mia Mikic

International Trade (Texts in Economics)

Addressing the contemporary wave of interest in international trade, this book includes comprehensive coverage of a wide range of traditional theories and discussion of recent developments in international trade theory and policy. Special ...

<<<  Daniel A. Sumner. Agricultural Trade Policy: Letting Markets Work ...             Bernardo Kliksberg, Luciano Tomassini. Capital social y cultura: ... >>>

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