Daniel A. Sumner

Agricultural Trade Policy: Letting Markets Work (Aei Studies in Agricultural Policy)

From the U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement through the North American Free Trade Agreement and the Uruguay Round of negotiations for the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, the United States has been involved in major trade policy discussions. ...

Susan Strange, Christopher May

Authority and Markets: Susan Strange's Writings on International Political Economy

Susan Strange was one of the pioneers of the modern study of international political economy and had a major impact on the way we now understand the global political economy. Always thoughtful and accessible, often contentious, sometimes highly ...

Pedro Conceicao, David V. Gibson, Manuel V. Heitor, Syed Shariq

Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy: Opportunities and Challenges for the Knowledge Economy (International Series on Technology Policy and Innovation)

Despite the unprecedented development and growth of knowledge during the 20th century, the evolution of a peaceful 21st century will depend on our ability to address the challenges of prosperity, sustainability, and security. From these challenges, ...

Alison Wolf

Does Education Matter (Penguin Business)

Highly topical and controversial examination of the education system. "Education, education, education" has become an obsession for politicians and the public alike. It is seen as an economic panacea: an engine for growth and prosperity. ...

<<<  Paul Cartledge, Edward E. Cohen, Lin Foxhall, Paul Carledge. Money, Labour ...             Bernardo Kliksberg, Luciano Tomassini. Capital social y cultura: ... >>>

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