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Paul Cartledge, Edward E. Cohen, Lin Foxhall, Paul Carledge Money, Labour and Land in Ancient Greece: Approaches to the Economics of Ancient Greece (Routledge Classical Monographs)
Drawing on comparative historical and anthropological approaches, sociological, economic and cultural theory, and developments in epigraphy, legal history, numismatics and spatial archaeology, this volume will be of interest to all students and
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Ibp USA Colombia a Spy Guide
Strategic and practical information on government, national security, army, foreign and domestic politics, conflicts, relations with the US, international activity, economy, technology, mineral resources, culture, traditions, govt
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Mason C. Doan American Housing Production 1880-2000
American Housing Production, 1880-2000 presents a concise history of nonfarm housing production, progress, and policy in the United States. This century has been divided into a 14-part chronological structure with irregular time intervals, in
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Wendy Kay Olsen Rural Indian Social Relations: A Study of Southern Andhra Pradesh (Oxford University South Asian Studies Series)
This work looks at economic behavior in two Indian villages. It empirically compares Marxian theories of semi-feudalism and of compuslive involvement in markets with standard economic theory. Grain markets and formal and informal credit networks in
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