Kevin Freiberg, Jackie Freiberg

Nuts! Southwest Airlines' Crazy Recipe for Business and Personal Success

Twenty-five years ago, Herb Kelleher reinvented air travel when he founded Southwest Airlines, where the planes are painted like killer whales, a typical company maxim is "Hire people with a sense of humor," and in-flight meals are never ...

Peter I. Hupalo

How To Start And Run Your Own Corporation: S-Corporations For Small Business Owners

How To Start And Run Your Own Corporation: S-Corporations For Small Business Owners begins where many incorporation books leave off. Peter Hupalo, author of Thinking Like An Entrepreneur , teaches you the basics of corporate business ...

Andrew Jaffe, Andrew Jaffe

Casting for Big Ideas: A New Manifesto for Agency Managers (An Adweek Book)

PRAISE FOR CASTING FOR BIG IDEAS "That advertising agencies must change or die is no longer open to serious challenge. Just how they must change is another matter. Andrew Jaffe combines the knowledge of an insider with the dispassionate ...

Judith Hale, Judith Hale

Performance-Based Certification : How to Design a Valid, Defensible, and Cost Effective Program

Are your employees qualified? Looking for qualified people to do competent work? How do you ensure that the people you hire can do the job right? An ever-increasing number of organizations are asking the same questions. ...

<<<  John Newstrom & Edward Scannell. The Big Book of Team Building ...             Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield. ... >>>

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