World Bank Staff The, World Bank

Global Economic Prospects and the Developing Countries 1998/99 : Beyond Financial Crisis (Annual)

This is the ninth edition of the annual report, prepared by the World Bank's Development Prospects Group. The series provides an annual assessment of global economic prospects as they affect developing countries and analyzes the links between ...

Parvin Alizadeh, Hassan Hakimian, Massoud Karshenas

The Economy of Iran: Dilemmas of an Islamic State (Library of Modern Middle East Studies)

The Islamic revolution of 1979 heralded an expanded economic role for the Iranian state in safeguarding the revolution’s redistributive aims. However, the Iranian economy in the 1980s and 1990s deteriorated markedly, and the state’s ...

Milica Zarkovic Bookman

The Economics of Secession

Secession has become this decade's single most important issue - a worldwide phenomenon, threatening violence, instability and a radical redrawing of international boundaries. While the literature on secession has focused on issues of politics and ...

Frank Barry

Understanding Ireland's Economic Growth

Ireland's economic performance over the last decade has been spectacular. National Income expanded in the ten years from 1987 at more than double the rates achieved by the US, the UK or the EU. Job creation figures are equally impressive. These ...

<<<  William T. Bernhard. Banking on Reform: Political ...             Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield. ... >>>

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