William T. Bernhard

Banking on Reform: Political Parties and Central Bank Independence in the Industrial Democracies (Michigan Studies in International Political Economy)

Banking on Reform examines the political determinants of recent reforms to monetary policy institutions in the industrial democracies. With these reforms, political parties have sought to draw on the political credibility of an ...

Clever Mumbengegwi

Macroeconomic and Structural Adjustment Policies in Zimbabwe (International Political Economy)

The essays in this book examine Zimbabwe's macroeconomic and structural adjustment experiences since independence. Part One analyzes the impact on economic growth, inflation, employment and labor markets. Part Two deals with financial ...

Gerardo Otero

Neoliberalism Revisited: Economic Restructuring and Mexico's Political Future

Examining the challenges brought about by the liberalizing of the Mexican economy at a time when multiple organizations of civil society are demanding a democratic political transition, contributors identify the key social and political actors, both ...

Richard Maxwell

Culture Works: The Political Economy of Culture (Cultural Politics)

When we read best-selling books, go to movies, visit art museums, go dancing, take in a game, we customarily ignore the political economy that hammers these features of culture into shape; normally, at such times, we're not thinking about corporate ...

<<<  Patricio Silva. The Soldier and the State in South America: ...             Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield. ... >>>

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