Kimberley Sevcik

Angels in Africa: Portraits of Seven Extraordinary Women

This arresting and important volume documents seven African women working to overcome devastating problems in their communities. Through dazzling photographs and first-person accounts, their stories reveal the strength of the human spirit: A Tutsi ...

Nick Gay

Berlin Then And Now (Then & Now)

Hitler's ascendancy and defeat transformed a stable, confident Berlin into a ruined city, fractured by post-WWII political divisions. Only with the 1989 destruction of the Wall and the subsequent Unification Treaty did Berlin begin to regain its ...

Mary Panzer, Christian Caujolle

Things As They Are

Description: Things as They Are presents the story of photojournalism over the past five decades, from 1955 until today. Published in collaboration with World Press Photo on the occasion of its fiftieth anniversary, the book takes us from the golden ...

Jonas Bendiksen

Satellites: Photographs from the Fringes of the Former Soviet Union...

<<<  John T. Irwin. Unless the Threat of Death Is Behind Them: ...             Patrice Farameh. Cool Spots: Miami/ South Beach >>>

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