John T. Irwin

Unless the Threat of Death Is Behind Them: Hard-Boiled Fiction and Film Noir

Early in the twentieth century a new character type emerged in the crime novels of American writers such as Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler: the "hard-boiled" detective, most famously exemplified by Sam Spade in The Maltese Falcon. Unlike ...

Cole Porter

Cole Porter: Selected Lyrics (American Poets Project)

Cole Porter possessed to a singular degree the art of expressing depth through apparent frivolity. The effervescent wit and technical bravura of his songs are matched by their unguarded revelations of feeling. In the words of editor Robert Kimball, ...

Richard Scrivani

Goodnight, Whatever You Are!: My Journey with Zacherley, the Cool Ghoul

The first-ever in-depth look at the life and career of one of the great icons of 1950s-60s TV - Zacherley, television's first great 'horror host,' a pop phenomenon as important as Elvis or hula hoops. Learn how Zacherley became an institution, and ...

M. Sasek

This Is Ireland

On the heels of the runaway bestsellers This is New York and This is Paris, Universe is pleased to reissue another title from M. Sasek's beloved and nostalgic children's travel series. Like the other Sasek classics, This is Ireland is a ...

<<<  J. Lindemann, J. Shimon. Season's Gleamings: The Art ...             Patrice Farameh. Cool Spots: Miami/ South Beach >>>

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