J. Lindemann, J. Shimon

Season's Gleamings: The Art of the Aluminum Christmas Tree

They glimmer. They shimmer. They bask in the glow of gently rotating color wheels. They last forever. Aluminum Christmas trees are the most spectacular souvenirs of our most recent Christmas Past-the Christmases of the super-modern 1960s. In more ...

Alan W. Bunch

The Exotic Plumeria, a pictorial, Volume 1...

David Travis

Paris: Photographs from a Time That Was (Distributed for the Art Institute of Chicago)

EugA?ne Atget, Jacques Henri Lartigue, AndrA© KertA©sz, BrassaA?, Henri Cartier- Bresson, Robert Doisneau—some of the greatest photographers of Paris—were relatively unknown when they began their most innovative work. Not yet ...

Mem Mehmet

Madonna in Art

In 1977,Madonna Louise Ciccone moved from Michigan to New York City, re-christening herself simply `Madonna'. Six years of hard work in the clubs of Manhattan with a succession of bands propelled her to the forefront of the New York scene. In 1983, ...

<<<  Richard Cadena. Automated Lighting: The ...             Patrice Farameh. Cool Spots: Miami/ South Beach >>>

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