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Hollis Walker Zink: The Language of Enchantment (New Mexico Magazine Artist)
Another volume in the New Mexico Magazine Artist Series traces the extraordinary career of nationally renowned Taos artist Melissa Zink. Her magical and mysterious works range from figurative clay dioramas and bronze sculptures to mixed media
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M.C.Escher's Legacy: A Centennial Celebration
From the reviews of the hardcover edition: ... This conference [... to celebrate the centennial of the birth of Escher] resulted in an immensely interesting collection of articles ... Although Escher himself is no longer among us,
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Christopher Breward, Edwina Ehrman, Caroline Evans The London Look: Fashion from Street to Catwalk
From Savile Row to Carnaby Street, from the bohemian dress of the Oscar Wilde circle in the nineteenth century to the punk street styles of recent years, London has been a significant source of fashion style. This stunning book, a rich and
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Victoria Sherrow Encyclopedia of Hair: A Cultural History
Examines the ways in which hair has served as a signifier of class, gender, ethnicity, authority, conformity/non-conformity, and power throughout history. Countless issues and examples are explored in this volume including: hair styles of royalty;
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