Cheree Berry

Hoorah for the Bra: A Perky Peek at the History of the Brassiere

It was in 1914 that Mary Phelps Jacob set women free?from the prison of the corset. With a little help from her lady's maid, this ingenious New York socialite stitched together two handkerchiefs and a long pink ribbon to fashion the world's ...

Creative Publishing international

The Complete Photo Guide to Sewing

The first paperback edition of the most complete and photo-packed guide to sewing techniques. 84,000 sold in hardcover. 1000 color how-to photos. Home dcor and fashion sewing techniques. The only comprehensive sewing book in paperback, offering ...

Jennifer Visocky O'Grady, Kenneth Visocky O'Grady

A Designer's Research Manual: Succeed in Design by Knowing Your Clients and What They Really Need (Design Field Guide)

Doing research can make all the difference between a great design and a good design. Most experienced designers would quantify this "legwork" with the term research. By engaging in competitive intelligence, customer profiling, color and trend ...

Larry Silver

Hieronymus Bosch

Four hundred little people frolic au naturel with overgrown songbirds and raspberries; a pudgy blue demon serenades a fashionable young couple with a tune piped through his own elongated nose; a knife-wielding set of disembodied ears stalks the ...

<<<  Simon Doonan. Wacky Chicks: Life Lessons from ...             Patrice Farameh. Cool Spots: Miami/ South Beach >>>

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