Gary Winters

To Do or Not To Do: How Successful Leaders Make Better Decisions

Book DescriptionNot all decisions are created equally. Some should clearly be made by the leader acting alone. Others will be of higher quality if they're made with the active participation of the group and perhaps even other key individuals with a ...

Bernard M. Bass

Transformation Leadership

Book DescriptionTransformational Leadership, Second Edition is intended for both the scholars and serious students of leadership. It is a comprehensive review of theorizing and empirical research that can serve as a reference and starting point for ...

David A. Skeel

Icarus In The Boardroom: The Fundamental Flaws In Corporate America And Where They Came From (Law and Current Affairs Masters S.)

Book DescriptionAmericans have always loved risktakers. Like the Icarus of ancient Greek lore, however, even the most talented entrepreneurs can overstep their bounds. All too often, the very qualities that make Icaran executives special-- ...

Bud Bilanich

Leading With Values

Book DescriptionProvides eight common sense, easy-to-follow strategies for turning good intentions into values-based business practices for getting everyone in your organization "walking the talk." This is the handbook you?ll want every ...

<<<  Sundeep Sahay. Global IT Outsourcing : Software Development ...             Джесси М. Торрес. Сценарии администрирования Microsoft ... >>>

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