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Sundeep Sahay Global IT Outsourcing : Software Development across Borders
Book DescriptionThis book offers key insights into how to manage software development across international boundaries. It is based on a series of case studies looking at the relationships between firms from North America, the UK, Japan and Korea
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Dylan Sutherland China's Large Enterprises and the Challenge of Late Industrialisation (Routledgecurzonstudies on the Chinese Economy)
Book DescriptionConsiders the 'late industrialisation' of China, showing how government policies have encouraged the development of 120 'national champions', and how these compete with multinational enterprises.
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Negotiation, Decision Making And Conflict Management (Elgar Reference Collection)
Book DescriptionWhile negotiation has long been recognized as an activity that affects world peace it has also become a central aspect of professional life. The last two decades have witnessed the emergence of negotiation and conflict resolution as
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John Mangieri Yale Assessment of Thinking : A Self-Assessment of Your Skill in the Areas of Reasoning, Insight, and Self-Knowledge, 2nd Edition
Book DescriptionNow in its second edition, the Yale Assessment of Thinking is a 69-item, self-scored test that will help you to determine your proficiencies in the three domains of thinking: reasoning, insight, and self-knowledge. Research
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