Telecommunications Reform In The Asia-Pacific Region

Book DescriptionThis book attempts to draw lessons from the experiences of developed as well as developing countries in carrying out telecommunications reform. The contributors come from academia as well as stakeholders in telecommunications policy ...

Identifying International Financial Contagion: Progress And Challenges (The Cerf Monographs on Finance and the Economy)

Book DescriptionThis book reviews the state-of-the-art of the literature on international financial contagion. The individual contributions bridge the gap between econometric theory and evidence, while the comprehensive range of financial market and ...

Maurice D. Levi

International Finance

Book DescriptionThis impressive new edition builds and improves upon the popular style and structure of the original. With new data, improved pedagogy, and coverage of all of the main developments in international finance over the last few years. ...

Barry Gerhart

Compensation : Theory, Evidence, and Strategic Implications (Foundations for Organizational Science)

Book Description "The authors artfully synthesize complex scholarly articles from economics, psychology, and sociology. The organization of the book is exceptionally transparent... Compensation should be accessible to a wide ...

<<<  The End of Diversity?: Prospects for German and ...             Джесси М. Торрес. Сценарии администрирования Microsoft ... >>>

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