The End of Diversity?: Prospects for German and Japanese Capitalism (Cornell Studies in Political Economy)

Book DescriptionAfter the devastation of World War II, Germany and Japan built national capitalist institutions that were remarkably successful in terms of national reconstruction and international competitiveness. Yet both "miracles" have since ...

World Bank

Improving Health, Nutrition and Population Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of the World Bank (Sub-Saharan Africa and the World Bank)

Book DescriptionIn recent years, the focus in many developing regions is increasingly moving away from communicable disease, where as Africa continues to face a high burden of communicable disease, malnutrition, and fertility. At the same time, the ...

Sanjeev Khagram

Dams and Development: Transnational Struggles for Water and Power

Book DescriptionBig dams built for irrigation, power, water supply, and other purposes were among the most potent symbols of economic development for much of the twentieth century. Of late they have become a lightning rod for challenges to this ...

Cary L Cooper

Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions, Volume 2 (Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions)

Book DescriptionThis is the second book in the JAI Series on Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions , comprised of leading international scholars from a range of disciplines, who explore the economic, financial, strategic or organizational ...

<<<  New Tools of Economic Dynamics (Lecture Notes ...             Джесси М. Торрес. Сценарии администрирования Microsoft ... >>>

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