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Valmir C. Barbosa An Introduction to Distributed Algorithms
"Barbosa makes the otherwise difficult subject of distributed algorithms very enjoyable and attractive to both students and researchers. The leading intuitive discussion of each algorithm is so very well organized and clearly written that a reader
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Sherry Kinkoph, Thomas E. Barich How to Use Microsoft Office 97: Visually in Full Color (How to Use...)
How to Use Office 97, Second Edition provides an excellent introduction to a powerful product in an easy to follow, straightforward layout. As a complete step-by-step solution, this book covers all the applications in the Office 97 suite in -How to
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Microsoft Outlook Web Access 2003 Quick Source Guide
This 6 page, tri-fold, full-color guide is an invaluable resource for anyone who uses Outlook Web Access 2003! In a clear, user-friendly format, it provides step-by-step instructions, short cuts and tips on how to execute the basic commands of the
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Lori Kendall Hanging Out in the Virtual Pub: Masculinities and Relationships Online
Lori Kendall is one of the first to explore the brave new world of social relations as they have evolved on the Internet. In this highly readable ethnography, she examines how men and women negotiate their gender roles on an online forum she calls
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