Ralph Grabowski

The Autocad Programming and Customizing Quick Reference

This quick reference covers all aspects of programming and customizing AutoCAD. Each function, listed alphabetically, starts at the top of a fresh page for easy reference. Syntax, example usage, related functions, and tips are listed for each ...

Steven M. Bachrach

The Internet: A Guide for Chemists (Acs Professional Reference Book)

This valuable resource contains information for beginners and advanced users. It describes how to use the major Internet resources, including FTP, e-mail, electronic lists, Gopher, and the World Wide Web, and how to become an information provider on ...

Lisa M. Lindgren, Lisa Lindgren

Application Servers for E-Business

The modern application server is a complex platform that is the linchpin of an enterprise environment that includes a very wide range of technologies-web document formatting, web protocols, server-side scripts, servlets, applets, programming ...

Chabane Djeraba

Multimedia Mining: A Highway to Intelligent Multimedia Documents (Multimedia Systems and Applications Series, 22)

The conjunction of knowledge discovery and multimedia documents presents a very important challenge. This new field of knowledge discovery in multimedia documents, dealing with non-structured information such as texts, images, videos, audio and ...

<<<  International Conference on the Applications of Artificial Intelligenc, R. A. ...             Richard Hyman. Understanding European Trade Unionism: Between Market, ... >>>

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