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Veronica Sanchez Serantes, MP Ediciones La Biblia del Hardware Volumen II: Manuales Users, en Espanol / Spanish
Una obra monumental que estudia, en solo dos entregas, el conjunto de componentes que forman parte de una PC. Pensada para aquellos usuarios que ya cuentan con una PC y quieren indagar un poco mas en el funcionamiento de sus partes, y para aquellas
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Dongming Wang, B. Buchberger, G.E. Collins, D. Wang Elimination Methods (Texts and Monographs in Symbolic Computation)
This book provides a systematic and uniform presentation of elimination methods and the underlying theories, along the central line of decomposing arbitrary systems of polynomials into triangular systems of various kinds. Highlighting methods based
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Michele M. Pavlyak Systems Survival Guide
A step-by-step handbook of simple instructions for selecting, purchasing, and implementing a software system in business organizations.
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Veronica A. Thurmond Examination of Interaction Variables As Predictors of Students' Satisfaction and Willingness to Enroll in Future Web-Based Courses
Pub_AbstractText~: The impetus for this study was the need to gain a better understanding of what interaction activities in the virtual classroom affect student outcomes. The purpose was to determine which perceptions of interactions contributed to
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