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Jerry D. Daniels Digital Design from Zero to One
Takes a fresh look at basic digital design. From definition, to example, to graphic illustration, to simulation result, the book progresses through the main themes of digital design. Technically up-to-date, this book covers all the latest topics:
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Leonard Bruce Lewin, Leonard Bruce Lewin Shopping for Furniture on the Internet
Making a major furniture purchase on the Internet can be both daunting and risky without the proper knowledge. This guide to buying furniture online reveals ways to get the best prices, products, and customer service without entering a showroom.
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Yves Gagnon Pro/MECHANICA Wildfire, Elements & Applications Series, Part 2: Studies & Connections
This book is written for industry designers and engineering students with limited knowledge of finite element analysis. By going through the lessons, the user will be able to perform structural static analysis and model large assemblies in FEA.
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David MacKenzie, Paul Eggert, Richard Stallman Comparing and Merging Files With Gnu Diff and Patch
This manual describes how to compare and merge files using GNU diff and patch. Comparing and merging files is a common activity for software developers. These programs make it easy to find and apply changes. GNU diff is part of the GNU
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