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Arnold O. Allen Probability, Statistics, and Queuing Theory With Computer Science Applications (Computer Science and Scientific Computing)
This is a textbook on applied probability and statistics with computer science applications for students at the upper undergraduate level. It may also be used as a self study book for the practicing computer science professional. The successful
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Winn L Rosch The Winn L. Rosch Hardware Bible (6th Edition)
The Winn L. Rosch Hardware Bible provides a background on how things work, puts competing technologies, standards, and products in perspective, and serves as a reference that provides quick answers for common computer and technology
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Deborah Hinkle, Margaret Marple, Kathleen Stewart, McGraw-Hill MS Office XP Suite: A Comprehensive Approach, Student Edition
Fully covers all the skills required for the Word 2002, Excel 2002, and Access 2002 Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS) certifications at the Core level. Also covers basic PowerPoint skills (PowerPoint has only one MOUS skill level – the
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Sybex Perl, CGI, and JavaScript Complete, 2nd Edition
The best value on the market for Web developers who want a complete reference to the principal tools for building interactive Web sites! You get 1000 pages of coverage on these key non-Microsoft technologies, for only $24.99. Perl is the language of
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