Daniel Muijs, David Reynolds

Effective Teaching: Evidence and Practice

This book provides an accessible introduction to this international research base, drawing on quantitative and qualitative research in education, psychology, sociology, and other related areas. ...

Carrie F. Paechter, Richard Edwards, Roger Harrison, Peter Twining

Learning, Space and Identity (Learning Matters)

Enormous changes are taking place regarding how people learn. The introduction of new technologies and in particular the resulting possibilities for our virtual presence in virtual spaces, highlights some comparatively neglected aspects of learning. ...

Introduction to Human Resource Management, An

Ideal for those studying HRM for the first time, this straightforward and accessible text takes the reader through both practical and theoretical aspects of the subject. Designed to be used concurrently with semester based teaching, this ...

Robert W. Peach, Diane S. Ritter

The Memory Jogger 9000

The Memory Jogger 9000 is a user-friendly reference guide to the ISO 9000 Quality Systems Standard and QS-9000 Requirements. It helps people at all levels in an organization understand how they can comply with the ISO 9000 Standard and QS-9000 ...

<<<  Cecil R. Reynolds, Elaine Fletcher-Janzen. ...             Richard Hyman. Understanding European Trade Unionism: Between Market, ... >>>

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