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Norbert P. Psuty, Douglas D. Ofiara Coastal Hazard Management: Lessons and Future Directions from New Jersey
As with most shorelines around the world, New Jersey beaches are slowly, but inexorably, being eroded, threatening coastal structures and development. In some years more sand is deposited than removed, but all of the state's monitoring devices show
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Carson Dunlop & Associates, Alan Carson, Carson Dunlop & Associates, Carson Dunlop & Assoc. Carson Dunlop & Assoc., Robert Dunlop Inspecting a House, 3rd Ed. : A Guide for Buyers, Owners, and Renovators
Inspecting a House Includes summary checklists of components and conditions homebuyers should investigate before making a purchase decision and more than 80 annotated technical illustrations. A house is the biggest investment most
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Roger J.P. Kain, Elizabeth Baigent The Cadastral Map in the Service of the State: A History of Property Mapping
Throughout history the control of land has been the basis of power. Cadastral maps, records of property ownership, played an important role in the rise of modern Europe as tools for the consolidation and extension of land-based
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Jeff Treganowan, Susan Treganowan The Ultimate New-Home Buying Guide
This book is absolutely necessary for anyone even thinking about buying a new home. The authors are new home experts and are telling all of the builder's secrets in this one-of-kind guide. The reader of this book will learn Insider information
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