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Marty Nemko, Paul Edwards, Sarah Edwards Cool Careers for Dummies
Sure, some people enter preschool knowing what they want to be when they grow up. But most of us aren't so lucky, and we don't get much help. Some parents say things like, "It's your life, you decide." Other parents go to the other extreme,
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Dennis V. Damp, Dennis Damp Health Care Job Explosion : High Growth Health Care Careers and Job Locator - 3rd Edition
A comprehensive health care Career Guide and JOB FINDER. This ALL-NEW revised third edition steers readers to high growth occupations and provides contact information (over 1,000 resources) for job vacancies and occupational exploration. This
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Cheryl A. Cage, Pam Ryan, Carol Core Reporting Clear? A Pilot's Interview Guide to Background Checks & Presentation of Personal History
This guide to conducting background checks provides titles, addresses, phone numbers, and website information for the necessary agencies. Covering how to discuss shortcomings in a professional history and the paperwork that must be provided to an
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Blythe Camenson Great Jobs for Liberal Arts Majors
Great Jobs For . . . Each book in this series helps students discover new employment possibilities, assess strengths and interests, and develop a path for advancement and success in a chosen field. Ideal for those exploring which major to take in
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