Sue Spielman, Liz Winfeld

The Web Conferencing Book: Understanding the Technology, Choose the Right Vendors, Software, and Equipment, Start Saving Time and Money Today

Holding meetings, presentations, and other group events over the Web is cost effective and conducive to increased individual and team productivity. Getting started is easier than most people realize, but it's crucial to go in with the right ...


Robert Epstein

The Big Book of Creativity Games: Quick, Fun Acitivities for Jumpstarting Innovation

In the modern economy, where most workers are knowledge workers, creativity and innovation are the most easily sustainable competitive advantages. In The Big Book of Creativity Games , Harvard trained psychologist Robert Epstein provides ...


Homer B. Smith

Organizing for Better Meetings

This 105-page, spiral-bound handbook is found in the travel kits of many seasoned meeting planners mostly because of its 450-point checklists covering all phases of meetings they review to prevent embarrassing and expensive oversights. Every item ...


Suzanne Stewart Weissinger

A Guide to Successful Meeting Planning

Provides detailed coverage of the meeting and convention industry and careers available in it, types of meetings, how to plan programs, selecting sites, preparation of meeting materials, the management of reservations and registration, food and ...


<<<  Yair Aharoni. Changing Roles of State Intervention in Services in ...             Philip Kotler. Kotler on Marketing: How to Create, Win, and Dominate Markets >>>

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