Gary Madden

Traditional Telecommunications Networks: The International Handbook of Telecommunications Economics (The International Handbook of Telecommunications Economics, V. 1)

This major new reference work, in three volumes, provides a thorough and up-to-date survey and analysis of recent developments in the economics of telecommunications. The handbooks serve both as a source of reference and technical supplement for the ...

Vickie Reierson, Oasis Press Editors

Start Your Business: A Beginners Guide (Psi Successful Business Library)

Each year, more than 400,000 new businesses are started in the United States. Of those 400,000 new business owners, many probably wondered if they had taken care of all the legal requirements and done all the preplanning necessary to getting their ...

Kikuo Suehiro

Eliminating Minor Stoppages on Automated Lines (Time-Tested Equipment Management Titles!)

Stoppages of automated equipment lines severely affect productivity, cost, and lead time. Such losses make decreasing the number of stoppages a crucial element of TPM. Kikuo Suehiro has helped companies such as Hitachi achieve unprecedented ...

U.S. Embassy Seoul

Country Commercial Guide: Korea (Country Commercial Guides)

Korea is one of the United States? largest trading partners. Currently, it is our sixth largest export market, bigger than those of Australia, Brazil, China, France, or Italy. It is our second fastest growing market for high-tech exports, and ...

<<<  Mary J. Moses. No More Baglady Fears : A Woman's Guide to Retirement ...             Dan L. Flores. The Retirement Revolution: A Strategic ... >>>

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