Mary J. Moses

No More Baglady Fears : A Woman's Guide to Retirement Planning

Here is an easy way for you to plan for your financial freedom in your golden years. Learn: •Easy steps to evaluate your present position. •What to expect from Social Security. •Simple instructions on how to ...

Lois A. Vitt

Encyclopedia of Retirement and Finance : Two Volumes]

This is the only encyclopedia that focuses solely on the financial issues associated with aging. Written by experts in a variety of fields, entries include gerontology and finance terms and concepts, policies and programs, the needs and problems of ...

James Stroman, Kevin Wilson, Jennifer Wauson, K. Wilson

Administrative Assistant's and Secretary's Handbook

Being a professional administrative assistant requires an astonishing and varied range of skills involving interpersonal communication, written presentations, and organizational ability. Between coordinating meetings, making travel arrangements, ...

David V. Pavesic

Cost Controls: 25 Keys to Profitable Success

Delivers the right ingredients to planning and implementing a cost control program. Taking the anxiety and stress out of the equation. ...

<<<  Irene Milin, Mike Milin. How to Buy and Manage Rental Properties             Dan L. Flores. The Retirement Revolution: A Strategic ... >>>

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