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Michael Grieves Product Lifecycle Management : Driving the Next Generation of Lean Thinking
Book Description The first book on PLM, the productivity-enhancing system used by General Electric, Procter & Gamble,Toyota, and Ford If you want to take lean approaches to the next level, this groundbreaking book introduces
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Terry Halbert Law and Ethics in the Business Environment
Book Description This text provides balanced, in-depth coverage of controversial and timely topics in the areas of law and ethics within the business environment. Its goal is to bring to life the complex situations where business imperatives, legal
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Vince Poscente The Ant and the Elephant: Leadership For the Self
Book DescriptionA renowned speaker, business consultant, record-setting speed skier and Olympian, Vince Poscente believes in the enormous potential of the unconscious mind. Poscente likens the dynamic between the conscious and subconscious minds to
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Victoria Ring How to Start, Operate and Market a Freelance Notary Signing Agent Business
Book DescriptionHow to Start, Operate and Market a Freelance Notary Signing Agent Business has been called "The ABC's of Loan Signing" by real estate professionals. It provides you with 100s of tips and techniques to make it easy for you to start
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