Ted Tesser

The New Trader's Tax Solution: Money-Saving Strategies for the Serious Investor, 2nd Edition, Updated

Book DescriptionThe Thoroughly Updated Guide to Reducing Tax Liability for the Trader and Serious Investor What would you do to increase your trading profits by as much as 50%? Most traders and investors would do whatever it takes. Those same ...

Kevin Wheeler

The Corporate University Workbook : Launching the 21st Century Learning Organization

Book Description The Corporate University Workbook gives you everything you need to create effective, systematic, learning infrastructure within your organization. As a result, you will develop employees who are capable of adapting to rapid ...

Robert H. Hayes

Operations, Strategy, and Technology : Pursuing the Competitive Edge

Book DescriptionHayes is a founder of the Operations Strategy field, and all four authors are on the Harvard Business School faculty. In Operations, Strategy, and Technology: Pursuing the Competitive Edge--the long-awaited follow-up to the highly ...

Claudio Albanese

Advanced Derivatives Pricing and Risk Management: Theory, Tools, and Hands-On Programming Applications (Academic Press Advanced Finance Series) (Academic Press Advanced Finance Series)

Book DescriptionWritten by leading academics and practitioners in the field of financial mathematics, the purpose of this book is to provide a unique combination of some of the most important and relevant theoretical and practical tools from which ...

<<<  Kaoru Kurotani. GEORGE SOROS: AN ILLUSTRATED BIOGRAPHY OF THE WORLD'S MOSTPOWERFUL ...             Томас Костейн. Томас Костейн. Собрание сочинений в 3 томах. Том 1. ... >>>

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