Gilles Laurent, Gary L. Lilien, Bernard Pras

Research Traditions in Marketing (International Series in Quantitative Marketing, Vol 5)

This book reviews the past twenty years of research in marketing by considering the different research streams together to understand, evaluate and criticize those various streams and to explore potential overlaps and divergence likely to emerge in ...

Dave Worman

Motivating Without Money-Cashless Ways to Stimulate Maximum Results, Raise Morale, and Reduce Turnover With Your Telephone Sales and Service Personnel

Cash is king, right? You need to write a check in order to motivate your sales reps, right? WRONG! In this book, Dave Worman shows you the 17 Steps to maximum motivation that have nothing to do with raises, bonus checks, or handing out greenbacks. ...

Dan Steinbock

Wireless Horizon

Mobile communications and the wireless web are not just conveniences or curiosities -- they are the harbingers of a fast-approaching sea change in the way information moves. Destined to be as fundamental to business and social interaction as the ...

Bob Brolhorst

The Internet Marketing Digest

The purpose of this book is to step by step show businesses large or small, how to startup and promote their products and services on the internet using mostly FREE and low cost time tested methods. What "Wave 5 Marketing" has done is log in over ...

<<<  Don A. Dillman. Mail and Internet Surveys : The Tailored Design ...             Dan L. Flores. The Retirement Revolution: A Strategic ... >>>

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