Don A. Dillman

Mail and Internet Surveys : The Tailored Design Method

For nearly two decades, Don Dillman's Mail and Telephone Surveys and the Total Design Method it outlined has aided students and professionals in effectively planning and conducting surveys. But much has changed since the TDM was developed in 1978. ...

Creating Powerful Brands

This is the third edition of one of world's most respected and successful books on branding. Written by an internationally acclaimed branding expert and author of From Brand Vision to Brand Evaluation , it has been comprehensively revised and ...

Bernice Kanner, Bernice Kanner

Pocketbook Power: How to Reach the Hearts and Minds of Today's Most Coveted Consumer - Women

While women make up 52.1 percent of the U.S. population, they control two-thirds of the nation's disposable income. In Pocketbook Power noted marketing expert and bestselling author Bernice Kanner describes how female spending power has ...

Jane Farley Templeton

The Focus Group: A Strategic Guide to Organizing, Conducting and Analyzing the Focus Group Interview

The Focus Group provides a complete and clear framework for staging effective interview sessions, accurately interpreting their results and using them in successful marketing strategies. Topics include: the ``second coming'' of focus groups in ...

<<<  Paul Pryor, Paul L. Pryor. Marketing Construction Services             Dan L. Flores. The Retirement Revolution: A Strategic ... >>>

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