Peter C. Brinckerhoff

Mission-Based Marketing : Positioning Your Not-for-Profit in an Increasingly Competitive World (Brinckerhoff, Peter C., Mission-Based Management Series,)

A direct, practical guide that shows how you can lead your not-for-profit to success in a more competitive world. This book provides the knowledge and skills to build a market-driven organization that holds onto its core values, does a better job of ...

Nanette Miner, Gino Moncada

101 Media and Marketing Tips for Salon Owners, Stylists and Managers

101 Media and Marketing Tips for Salon Owners, Stylists and Managers is chock-full of useful, do-able tips and valuable resources that the salon owner, stylist or manager can immediately put into practice to boost their business image and ...

Bernd H. Schmitt

Experiential Marketing: How to Get Customers to Sense, Feel, Think, Act, Relate to Your Company and Brands

Experiential marketing, a decidedly turn-of-the-millennium form of corporate persuasion that strives to elicit a powerful sensory or cognitive consumer response, is rapidly superseding the stodgy features-and-benefits approach generally in vogue ...

Robert L. Heath, Gabriel Vasquez

Handbook of Public Relations

The Handbook of Public Relations offers a comprehensive and detailed examination of the field. It gives scholars, practitioners, and students a solid review of the status of the scholarly literature, stressing the role that public ...

<<<  Robert Taggart. Providing Personalized Customer ...             Dan L. Flores. The Retirement Revolution: A Strategic ... >>>

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