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Peter C. Brinckerhoff Mission-Based Marketing : Positioning Your Not-for-Profit in an Increasingly Competitive World (Brinckerhoff, Peter C., Mission-Based Management Series,)
A direct, practical guide that shows how you can lead your not-for-profit to success in a more competitive world. This book provides the knowledge and skills to build a market-driven organization that holds onto its core values, does a better job of
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Nanette Miner, Gino Moncada 101 Media and Marketing Tips for Salon Owners, Stylists and Managers
101 Media and Marketing Tips for Salon Owners, Stylists and Managers is chock-full of useful, do-able tips and valuable resources that the salon owner, stylist or manager can immediately put into practice to boost their business image and
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Bernd H. Schmitt Experiential Marketing: How to Get Customers to Sense, Feel, Think, Act, Relate to Your Company and Brands
Experiential marketing, a decidedly turn-of-the-millennium form of corporate persuasion that strives to elicit a powerful sensory or cognitive consumer response, is rapidly superseding the stodgy features-and-benefits approach generally in vogue
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Robert L. Heath, Gabriel Vasquez Handbook of Public Relations
The Handbook of Public Relations offers a comprehensive and detailed examination of the field. It gives scholars, practitioners, and students a solid review of the status of the scholarly literature, stressing the role that public
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