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Robert Taggart Providing Personalized Customer Service (Crisp Retailing Smarts Series)
This book deals with the alternative ways in which the retail sales staff can be responsive to their customers and in demonstrating the commitment the store makes to its customers.
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Jim Pickens, Ben Gay The Closers
"The Closers," the keystone of Ben Gay III's world-famous series of books, cassette programs, newsletters and seminars is the most powerful book on selling ever written. With over 2,000,000 copies sold since it was first published in 1980, it
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Orville C Walker, Jr., Harper W Boyd, John Mullins, Jean-Claude Larreche, Jr., Harper Boyd, John Mullins, Jean-Claude Larreche Marketing Strategy: A Decision-Focused Approach
Marketing Strategy, by Walker, Boyd, new co-author Mullins, and Larreche, is a flexible, short, paper-back text which can be used on its own or packaged with a case book (Strategic Marketing Management Cases, by Cravens ) or with a custom published
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Roger D. Blackwell From Mind to Market : Reinventing the Retail Supply Chain
"Anyone in business today who hopes to be in business tomorrow needs to understand the rules of the new marketplace," says Roger Blackwell, one of the most sought-after authorities on consumer behavior and marketing. The traditional approach to
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