George Ludwig

Power Selling : Seven Strategies for Cracking the Sales Code

Power Selling distills the hundreds of strategies, techniques, and behaviors used by the world's best salespeople to seven strategies. Every year, it seems, there's a new "can't fail" approach to selling. For sales professionals, ...

Roy H. Williams

Magical Worlds of the Wizard of Ads: Tools and Techniques for Profitable Persuasion

First there was The Wizard of Ads providing the philosophical tenets; then came Secret Formulas of the Wizard of Ads, offering valuable recipes for business success. Now, the Wizard shares the secrets of business persuasion that are taught at his ...

Anne Basye

Opportunities in Telemarketing Careers

Opportunities in Series * MOST COMPREHENSIVE SERIES. With over 150 titles, students can explore virtually any job opportunity to their heart's content. * FULL CAREER DESCRIPTION. Tells students what each profession is all about and the various job ...

Jeffrey?Adams Norris

Secrets Top Salesmen Don't Want You to Know

If you are buying this book hoping to make a million dollars, please put it back on the shelf. This book will not help you do so and when you read the chapter, “My Boss is a Sociopath”, you will understand why. This book helps ...

<<<  Jong S. Jun. Rethinking Administrative Theory: The Challenge ...             Sean Cooney, Tim Lindsey, Richard Mitchell, Ying ... >>>

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