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Jong S. Jun Rethinking Administrative Theory: The Challenge of the New Century
Striving to redirect the study of public administration toward innovation and imagination, deliberative democracy, knowledge transfer, policy making, and ethics and values--topics which for too long have been overshadowed by traditional problems of
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Scott M. Primiano Hard Market Selling
As the new economy continues to emerge from the rubble created by the dot-com disaster and the events of September 11, 2001, re-insurers, carriers, and agencies, along with the five million people working in the insurance industry, are scrambling to
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Ned Ricks Principles of Principled Life Insurance Selling
A handbook for life insurance sales professionals who want to make or keep their business practices “client-centered”. An insurance consultant and trainer of over 25 years experience shares skills in marketing , prospecting, discovery,
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Thomas V. Pritchard The Power of Benefits Selling
A common sense approach to acquiring and retaining insurance clients.
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