Mark Gabbott, Gillian Hogg

Consumers and Services

Increasing attention has been paid in recent years to the marketing of services. This has been prompted by a recognition that services are an increasingly important sector of the economy and that they require a different approach to marketing. ...

Sanat Mohanty

An Elephant Named Sustainability

An Elephant Named Sustainability is written for the global citizen. In a very broad manner, it outlines the various components of sustainability and the interlinkages between these components. This is important so that the global citizen does not ...

Arch G. Woodside, G. I. Crouch, J. A. Mazanec, M. Oppermann, M. Y. Sakai, A. G. Woodside, Hospitality, and Leisure Society of Consumer Psychology of Tourism

Consumer Psychology of Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure

This book focuses on the diverse subject of consumer psychology as applied to the fields of tourism, hospitality, and leisure. It provides a general review of current thinking and presents several new theories and methods of analysis. It is an ...

Roger Kerin, Robert Peterson

Strategic Marketing Problems: Cases and Comments, 10th Edition

This best-selling book is dedicated to the development of decision-making skills in marketing. It introduces concepts and tools useful in structuring and solving marketing problems, while extensive case studies provide an opportunity for those ...

<<<  Peggy Carlaw, Vasudha Kathleen Deming. The Big Book of Customer ...             Sean Cooney, Tim Lindsey, Richard Mitchell, Ying ... >>>

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