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Arie De Geus, Jorge Gorin, Arie de Geus La empresa viviente
Original title: The Living Company, translation by Jorge Gorin, Cover design Estudio Manela,303pages, size 15*22*1.5cm
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Daniel H. Kim, Virginia Anderson Systems Archetype Basics: From Story to Structure
Does your organization make the same mistakes over and over again, without being able to get a grip on the cause? If so, a systems archetype might be at work behind the scenes! The archetypes depict the recurring "stories" that often indicate
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John M. Usher, Utpal Roy, Hamid Parsaei Integrated Product and Process Development: Methods, Tools, and Technologies
The phenomenal success of integrated product and process development (IPPD) at such companies as Boeing, Motorola, and Hewlett-Packard has led many manufacturers to place renewed emphasis on this critical aspect of concurrent engineering. If you are
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Michael Morris The First Time Manager
The diverse responsibilities of a new managerial position in the modern workplace can appear daunting. This practical guide aims to dispel any such fears, with direct and comprehensive advice on the immediate difficulties faced by a new manager. The
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