Carl G. Thor

Designing Feedback: Performance Measures for Continuous Improvement (Crisp Management Library)

No modern process would be considered complete without inclusion of the element of feedback as a component. ...

Ronnie Lessem, Sudhanshu Palsule

Managing in Four Worlds: From Competition to Co-Creation (Developmental Management)

Managing in Four Worlds is the first business book to focus simultaneously on physical and human nature, as embodied in culture, as the basis for sustainable business development internationally. The authors combine key concepts from the new ...

Robert A. Lutz

Guts : 8 Laws of Business from One of the Most Innovative Business Leaders of Our Time

Praise for GUTS, Revised and Updated "Bob Lutz is the only man in history to rise to the top at all three Detroit automakers?Ford, GM, and Chrysler?and Guts reveals the kind of thinking that got him there. From a guy who didn?t ...

Steven W. Floyd, Bill Wooldridge

The Strategic Middle Manager : How to Create and Sustain Competitive Advantage

An exceptional job of refocusing the middle manager's role?a must read for practitioners and educators alike. --Jack Viega, editor, The Academy of Management Executives In their quest to become leaner, flatter, and reengineered, ...

<<<  David Williams, Tim Parr. Enterprise Programme Management : Delivering ...             Sean Cooney, Tim Lindsey, Richard Mitchell, Ying ... >>>

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