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Martin Stein, Frank Voehl Macrologistics Management: A Catalyst for Organizational Change
Macrologistics Management defines the term "Macrologistics" as a means for designing a catalyst for change in any organization. The "macro" approach means seeing the big picture-to use time and place strategies for competitive advantage. It is a
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U s Games System Patton on Leadership: Seventy Motivational Cards for Success
One of the most powerful military figures in American history, General George S. Patton was famous for his unique leadership style. These cards were edited and selected from the book Patton on Leadership: Strategic Lessons for Corporate Warfare by
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David Hussey, Per Jenster Competitor Intelligence : Turning Analysis into Success (Wiley Series in Practical Strategy)
The seminal work of Michael Porter in the 1980s provided a conceptual basis to competitor analysis which has stood the test of time. The emphasis of his work, and of many books by other authors which followed it, has been on the why and what of
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Richard S. Sloma How to Measure Managerial Performance
A valuable reference tool, this practical handbook provides new insights into enterprising management techniques.
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