Theerasak Thanasankit

E-Commerce and Cultural Values

There is substantial interest in research in developing countries, especially in the use, implementation and development of information technology and systems. Many researchers have been moving toward an understanding of indigenous social and ...

Daniel A. Feldman

The Handbook of Emotionally Intelligent Leadership: Inspiring Others to Achieve Results

This is a hands-on guide to understanding and applying the 10 skills of emotionally intelligent leadership. The book is written in clear, understandable language and the workings of emotionally intelligent leadership are demonstrated by numerous ...

John Carver

CarverGuide, Board Self-Assessment

Offers a novel whole-systems approach to this primary task by outlining the guiding principles of successful self-assessment. Your board will learn how to craft a policy that will spell out its job description and plan its conduct. In addidtion, it ...

Jerome S. Arcaro

Teams in Education: Creating an Integrated Approach

Easy to use and understand, Teams in Educa-tion: Creating An Integrated Approach is a tool for education professionals who need or want to develop cross-functional or departmental teams in education. This new handbook was specifically designed to ...

<<<  Roxannee. Burkey, Charles V. Breakfield. Designing a Total ...             Sean Cooney, Tim Lindsey, Richard Mitchell, Ying ... >>>

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