Barbara Jewett, Milady

Milady's State Exam Review for Nail Technology

Includes multiple choice questions for each of the chapters in the textbook. Two 100 question testssimulate actual state board exams. An answer key is included. ...

American Baseball Coaches Association, Bob Bennett, Jack Stallings

Baseball Strategies: American Baseball Coaches Association

One of baseball?s most appealing features is that it is a thinking game. Athletes of all sizes can excel with sufficient smarts and skills. And managers from Little League to the major leagues can lead teams to titles with proper preparation ...

Riane Eisler

The Power of Partnership: Seven Relationships That Will Change Your Life

This powerful book urges readers to examine their relationships - with themselves, their families, their work and communities, their spirituality, and the environment - to determine which of two models dictates their behavior, and then shows how ...

Donald L. Ferguson, Jim Patten

Opportunities in Journalism Careers

Opportunities in Journalism Careers offers job seekers essential information about a variety of careers in the field of journalism. The book includes training and education requirements, salary statistics, and professional and Internet ...

<<<  Stephen J. Hoch, Howard C. Kunreuther, Steve Hoch, Howard Kunreuther, Robert Gunther. ...             Raymond Ackerman. Hearing Grasshoppers Jump: ... >>>

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