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Stephen J. Hoch, Howard C. Kunreuther, Steve Hoch, Howard Kunreuther, Robert Gunther Wharton on Making Decisions
"Wharton on Making Decisions provides a unique blend of theory and practical experience. The authors? insights are at many times humorous, always instructive, and definitely thought provoking. This book should be recommended reading for
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Ilisha Newhouse Mystery Shopping Made Simple
How to start a new career as a mystery shopper--immediately! "Mystery shopping ranks among the most popular not-for-credit evening courses, rivaling computer-skills and wine-tasting classes." -- The Seattle Times In
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Alan B. Bernstein Guide to Your Career, 5th Edition (Princeton Review Series)
Finding a satisfying career takes more than simply knowing what interests you. Besides considering what you like to do, you must also recognize how you like to do it. In other words, you need to identify your career "style." Suppose you are
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Luke Barber, Matt Weinstein Work Like Your Dog: Fifty Ways to Work Less, Play More, and Earn More
Having more fun at work isn't a fantasy. It's a smart and savvy strategy to becoming a more creative, productive, and dynamic employee. Work Like Your Dog is an inspiring call to "come out and play" at work. Dogs seem to have
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